20 years of home office
What others discover today, we have been using for years
We have been working using "home office" since 1997. The reason for that was the distance between the individual team members. Without realizing it, we started using the system since the beginning and gained much knowledge about it in the process. We know now that not every employee is able to work at home. Some lack self-discipline, some do not have the appropriate conditions at home to support undisturbed working. On the other hand, the system allows dividing the work day according to the needs of the team members and grants them real freedom of choice. The system has many advantages - it reduced sickness rate of the employees, brings very low commuting costs, possibility to stay in the town or village of residence, or refreshing social gatherings of the employees once a week. Of course, the system also has some disadvantages - the manager needs much more time to identify an unproductive employee.
Be as it may, our "case" proves that the companies or teams consisting of roughly 20 members can use home office efficiently and in a long run.
All projects
All projects
2015 - start-up of www.visualreading.org - reading learning method for children with special educational needs,
2013 - present: research and development project - special educational method of reading learning (T-H-H-T) for children with autistic spectrum disorder, dysphasia and learning disorders (non-profit project),
2011 - 2012: research and development project of "Online PDF editor" in cooperation with the Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic,
2006 - today: cooperation with Nitro Inc., San Francisco, USA, development of the product of Nitro Pro - versions: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 2002 - 2006: Plugins for Adobe Acrobat in cooperation with ARTS PDF PTY, Melbourne, Australia,
2001 - 2002: Digitalization of the STN technical standards fund, financed by the PHARE funds,
2000 - NormStav (technical standards in the field of constructions, CD version), for the Slovak Standards Institute,
1999 - NormGas (technical standards in the field of gas industry, CD version), for the Slovak Standards Institute, and SPP a.s.,
1997 - Fire protection (CD version), for the Slovak Standards Institute,
Company policy
Company policy
Working in a team follows always the same principle. A good manager knows that employees working under stress, not heard by anyone and with their opinions being ignored, are not creative and cannot produce good results. People under stress make mistakes at decisions, are hot-tempered, unproductive and can react with anger to common situations. We are well aware of these facts and work with our people so they do not end up in a long-term stressful situation and in a condition when they feel that nobody hears their voice. As a result of this approach, our employees stick with us. The fluctuation in our team is almost zero and we are proud of that.
What we do
Our main activity is programming in the C++ language and activities related to creation, development, design, implementation, distribution, testing and protection of software products.
C++ programming 70%
Analysis, project management 100%
UI and UX 85%
Testing 51%